Nepal idol season 3 winner .Nepail idol. Who is the Nepal idol season 3

 The Nepal idol season 3 winner is Sajja chaulagain . She is the first women to win Nepal idol. She has beautiful and melodious voice. She has enough determination and courage to achieve goal. She is very energetic, enthusiastic and friendable.   We congratulate her for becoming success to win title of Nepal Idol.  

Image may contain: 1 person, text that says 'Nepal Idol WINNER SEASON'3 3 CONGRATULATIONS'                        
Prbin Bedwal is the first runner up of the Nepal idol season 3.    

Image may contain: 1 person, standing, plant, tree, child, outdoor and nature         

Kiran Bhujel is the 2nd runer up.
Image may contain: 1 person, standing and beard                                                     
 First prize of Nepal idol season 3 is RS.50 lakhs, medal and certificate.                       

Second prize of Nepal idol season 3 is RS. 10 lakhs.                               

 Third prize of Nepal idol season 3 is RS. 5 lakhs, medal and certificate.

Nepal Idol season 3 final  look at here.


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